Appley Bridge All Saints'

Welcome to Reception Class.  Mrs Green, who will be teaching Reception this year, and Mrs Brannon, our teaching assistant, are really looking forward to an exciting year ahead.  We have had a fantastic start to the year and the children have had lots of fun and settled in brilliantly.  They are all getting used to the new routines and rules and are proving themselves to be little stars already.

We're Back! 

Our first day back after being off since Christmas due to Covid!

It was so good to welcome all the children back to Reception this morning.  They were all very excited - either to be back at school after such a long time off, or to have all their friends back with them again.  The classroom was just as noisy as we remember it being before Christmas as the children found their feet and got accustomed to their surroundings and routines once more.  

A big well done to all our children for working as hard as they have done to keep up with their home learning over the last couple of months at home, and a huge well done and thank you to parents for all the time and support you have given to your children during that time. 

We are looking forward to having fun and learning lots with the children in the coming weeks.

Finding Most, Fewest and the Same

In Maths, we used the cubes to help us find which sets had most, the same or fewest.  We used the correct mathematical vocabulary when we talked about which was which.

Reception First Days Of School

Here are a few photographs from our first two days.  I hope you enjoy looking at them.

In the Forest

Today, we went down to the forest.  We had a fab time making animal names for ourselves using alliteration.  I wonder if you can remember your animal name!   Then we played hide and seek.  We had to count up to 30 (that was a bit tricky) while the others hid and then we could go and hunt for everyone.   We found some exciting places to hide.  Yesterday, we read the story of the Three Little Pigs in class so, while we were in the forest today, we collected lots of sticks and built stick houses.   We had to think really hard about how to stop them falling over.

Here are some photographs from the forest today.  We hope you enjoy looking at them.

Early Years Foundation Stage Framework

This is the statutory framework which outlines what children must be taught in the EYFS.

Phonics Scheme

We use the 'Letters and Sounds' scheme of work to teach phonics.

Articulation of Phonemes Video

A short video for parents showing the correct pronunciation of all phonemes taught in the 'Letters and Sounds' scheme.

Finch Lane, Wigan, Lancashire WN6 9DT

01257 252647