Appley Bridge All Saints'

Welcome to the Year 4 class page. Miss Housden and Mrs Bimson will all be working in Year 4 this year. On this page, you will find information about the curriculum and year group expectations in Year 4. We will be aiming to update the website regularly with photographs and information about what is going on in our classroom this year.

Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday, with swimming as the Tuesday session. Our homework will be set on Tuesdays and returned into school on Mondays.

Summer 2 – Hunted!

Welcome back! This half term is full of activities all around the theme of Hunted! We will be looking at Brer Rabbit in English, learning all about living things and their habitats in science and designing a meal for a shipwrecked explorer in design technology!

Animals including humans

This half term we have been investigating different ways to look after our teeth. We have seen the ways that our diet and food choices can impact our teeth and have investigated which toothpaste is best! This included finding out which produced the most foam, and which was best at cleaning shoe polish from a ceramic tile.

Plague Doctors!

This week we have been investigating whether the masks and outfit a plague doctor wore would actually help prevent them from getting the plague. We investigated this by creating our very own plague doctor masks!

The Great Plague!

 This half term we will be learning all about The Great Plague in history, we will be looking at how we can help our environment in geography and we will be writing our own fairy tales based on The Pied Piper in English.

Electricity Investigations

In science we have been investigating what happens to the brightness of a bulb when you add more batteries to a circuit. We found out that the bulb gets brighter the more batteries you add. We had to be careful not to break the bulbs!

Cracking Contraptions!

Year 4 have loved using Wallace and Gromit's Cracking Contraptions as their inspiration for their first piece of writing in year 4! We have explained how to use The Autochef, and what to do if it goes wrong!

Sparks Might Fly!

This term,  in Year 4, Sparks Might Fly as we investigate all things electrical through Science, DT and Music. We will be exploring electricity, identifying electrical appliances and how they work, the dangers of electricity and how we can conserve energy. We aim to make our own working product using our newly acquired knowledge of circuits.

Please click here to view our Curriculum Intent Statement

Year 4 Curriculum Plan 2021 - 2022

If you would like to discuss the curriculum content further, please contact the class teacher.



Use this website to practise your times tables.


Year 4 English Curriculum Expectations



Year 4 Mathematics Curriculum Expectations


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01257 252647