The children in Year Two were very happy to return to school for the remainder of the Spring Term. It was especially lovely as we welcomed two new children to our class. We think that they are going to be good friends. We are all ready for some hard work and lots of fun along the way.
Welcome everybody to Year 2, where the class teachers are Mrs Glover and Mrs Waine (am + pm). Our TA’s are Mrs MacFarlin, Mrs Bimson and Mrs Brannon. We are pleased to say that the children are settling nicely into their routines and their classwork.
Art and Design
During our art and design lessons this term, we have been rolling and kneading play-dough to make sculptures. We have used our sculptures to practise drawing people, for example looking at the length of arms, length of legs and comparing them to the whole length of a head and torso.
First Week Back
We are pleased to say that the children are settling nicely into their routines and their classwork.
Year 2 Curriculum Plan
If you would like to discuss the curriculum content further, please contact the class teacher.
Phonics Scheme
We use the 'Letters and Sounds' scheme of work to teach phonics.
Articulation of Phonemes Video
A short video for parents showing the correct pronunciation of all phonemes taught in the 'Letters and Sounds' scheme.
A Guide for Parents- Mathematics Facts for Children to Learn in EYFS/KS1
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01257 252647