Welcome to the Year 3 class page. Mrs Harris and Mrs Bimson will be working in Year 3 this year. On this page you will find information about the curriculum and year group expectations in Year 3 as well as lots of photographs. Take a look at the updates each half term to see what the class have been getting up to.
We have been having fun in science exploring magnets. We have discovered which metals are magnetic, we were surprised at how few there were. We have also conducted investigations which helped us to discover a lot about magnets. We found out that magnets have a North and South pole and that opposite poles attract and like poles repel each other.
The Iron Man
We loved reading this book! We acted out parts of it and thought about the characters and what they would be thinking and feeling. Once we had finished reading it we started to plan our own version of the story. We had some fantastic ideas and the stories that we wrote were really entertaining. We also used the story as inspiration for the books we made in DT. We had to make books with moving parts and different levers and linkages
Healthy Eating
Our theme was all about healthy eating and how to keep ourselves healthy. After looking at the different food groups and what makes a balanced meal we designed our own meals that we would cook for a class picnic. We looked at lots of different foods and came up with some amazing ideas for what we could make. After a very busy morning of cooking, chopping, grating and slicing we ended up with a feast that looked good enough to eat!
World War 1
As part of our work commemorating the end of World War 1 the children have been finding out about the soldiers from Appley Bridge who fought and lost their lives. Using census and military records they were able to find out information about the individual soldiers and their families. This brought the soldiers to life for the children and allowed them to understand more about what the war would have been like for them. We also visited Appley Bridge Community Centre to compare our research to the information they had found.
In Year 3 we have been learning about light and shadows. On a lovely bright day we went outside to investigate our shadows and look at how they were different to us. With our partners we drew around our shadows and talked about how they were formed and where they started. We realised they didn't have any colour, that they started at our feet and they didn't have faces!
Year 3 Curriculum Plan
Year 3 English Curriculum Expectations
Year 3 Mathematics Curriculum Expectations
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01257 252647