Appley Bridge All Saints'

Year 1 2017-2018

Fairy Glen in the Snow

We visited Fairy Glen in the snow and had great fun.  We climbed up hills, ran down slopes, trudged through mud, slipped on snow and crossed bridges.  As we walked to the Glen we saw lots of signs of new life.  There were snowdrops, daffodils and new leaves growing.  

Art Display

We have looked at the paintings of Vincent Van Gogh in particular his painting of blossom.  We used his ideas to paint our own versions.  Next we tried mono printing blossom on a tree. Finally we made our own printing pads with a blossom theme. We hope you like our display.  please come and look at the pictures on display next to our classroom.

Looking at Trees

We went out onto the school field to look for faces in the trees. Look at the faces we found.  We made bird feeders and hung them in the trees.  

The Great Fire of Appley Bridge

 To end our topic on the Great Fire of London we recreated the fire.   We build our own houses using boxes and painted them to look like the houses  of the time.  We took the houses out on to the track and set them up in a line.  Mrs Liversidge set fire to the first house and we watched how it burnt along the row - just like the Great Fire itself.  

Fire, Fire

November sees the start of our next Autumn topic.  To start it off we built a small fire and toasted marshmallows and made some smores.  They were delicious, we all enjoyed them and would have loved some more!  We are now going on to learn all about The Great Fire Of London.

Pirate Day

Today October 26th is Pirate Day.  We all dressed up as pirates and had a great day.  We made pirate hats, pirate flags and a parrot.  Look at us in the hall we climbed the rigging, walked the plank and climbed over the boat.  During the afternoon we had a pirate feast.  We had shark sandwiches, dead man's fingers, captain's cakes and rum.


We have made penguins from clay.  First we drew penguins then we created a penguin from air drying clay.  They were left to dry for a week.  Next we painted them.  Don't they look good!

Sandy's Birthday

Today the 26th of September is Sandy Bear's birthday.  He is three.  We celebrated his birthday with a party.  We have made our own party hats, made a birthday card, played party games and had juice and cake.  We all had a great time.  Happy Birthday Sandy bear

Blackpool Zoo

Year one enjoyed their trip to Blackpool Zoo.  The weather was good even though it had rained the night before.   We saw lots of different animals in their habitats, enjoyed the sea lion show while we ate our dinner and had a classroom session about where animals live.  It was a great start to our topic 'Pigs, Penguins and Possums'.



Finch Lane, Wigan, Lancashire WN6 9DT

01257 252647